Drug Detox is Not Drug Treatment

Addiction Recovery’s 1st Step When chronic drug users and alcoholics separate from an addictive substance they often need help coping with withdrawal.  Detox is a popular umbrella term in the lingo of addiction recovery services, but new terms are emerging....

6 Risk Factors in Opiate Overdose

Dead is Dead When you walk into a drug rehab in Laconia, New Hampshire, there’s a bulletin board posted with activity schedules, inspiring quotes about recovery, and facts about drug addiction. Beneath the bulletin board there’s a shrine of sorts, remembrances for a...

Drug Addiction: Why Parents Need Support

WHEN CHRONIC SUBSTANCE ABUSE ROBS US OF THE CHILD WE ONCE KNEW Parents of drug addicts can feel caught in a nightmare with too probable an ending.  Experts tell us that drug addiction is a chronic disease that will require life-long management and that relapse is...