Meet Jake Hayden

Jake Hayden

Recovery Coach


Jake was born and raised in Manchester NH, the middle of three boys. Growing up Jake always struggled in school, but he found his escape through sports. By age 14 Jake had found drugs and the rest was history. Jake was introduced into a 12-step program while he was in high school and since then he has been in and out of detox’s, treatment centers, recovery houses and Methadone programs. Jake showed up to Riverbank broken and not knowing how to live life without drugs. As a resident at Riverbank Jake got a sponsor and began working the 12 steps of AA. While living at the Riverbank House Jake went to the Recovery Coach Academy and started volunteering at Riverbank. Eventually that turned into a fulltime job. Jake has got back into some of his childhood hobbies since getting clean, he loves playing golf, snowboarding, watersports and hanging out with friends in recovery.

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Contact us today at  603-293-3989  to speak to a member of our team.