Meet Patrick Stauffer

Patrick Stauffer

Yoga Teacher

Reiki Level II

SOMA Breath Instructor

I have always  had a passion for helping others and understanding the world around me. Born and raised in Reading, Pennsylvania, my pursuits began in studying the sciences and art, seeking to see and comprehend the underlying truths of the world around me. Through years of study and schooling no satisfaction was found and lead me down a path that took me further away from the answers I sought. It wasn’t until hitting my bottom and turning the lens inward that the real answers began to appear. 

Through my personal journey of recovery and healing I entered a spiritual path. Through yoga, meditation, and energy healing I have found a new way to live. Since my awakening, I have been blessed with the opportunities to work as a Recovery Coach and a Spiritual Advisor, aiding others on their journey. 

This is what I have come to find in my personal practice and what can be discovered for each participant in my teachings.  My classes are based on uniting breath, posture, and meditation to find stillness of mind; it is in the stillness of thought that true insight and freedom may be experienced and healing can be achieved. 

Healing is a practice of balance; bringing into alignment the body, mind, and spirit, finding peace, calmness and contentment within to carry into the world outside; acceptance of what is and what is not.  To heal is to change our life and grow in our connection and contact with the Universal Consciousness.

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Contact us today at  603-293-3989  to speak to a member of our team.